Tuesday, April 26, 2005

YOU triggered my blast button. Perhaps you know who you are, perhaps not. I don't give a damn. You've triggered something in me, and you'll know it if you feel the slight change of my attitude towards you.

I may still be nice, but because you've triggered the anger button in me, my tolerance level for you will not be as high as it used to be anymore. What can I say? TOO BAD! Do more things behind my back and you'll get it more. Like I said, don't think I don't know. There are things I know that you think I don't know. Think again.

If you feel the guilt, then it's you. Good that you know it's you. If you don't, then just too bad. Wait till the day comes when enough is enough then maybe you'll realize that this post is in fact for YOU!

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call me tiger