Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm SO Dead!
Just sat for my Management Accounting retest and I think I screwed it up once again. Should have known better. Then I wouldn't have to sacrifice my beauty sleep just to wake up so early for this dumb retest. What's worse is that lessons starts at 10am only. -rolleyes-

Anyway, was in the lift alone with a female lecturer just now while I was on my way down to the library and just as the lift door closed behind me (meaning I'm in the lift wif her alone), she said, "So nice complexion, so smooth, so silky." then my reply was "-polite smile- thanks... mother's genes." and she was like "ooo, so lucky."

Women! To think a lecturer would say this to a student? Moreover she never taught me before. Haha. Think she missed out on my dark rings and eye bags, otherwise I don't think she'd say that to me. Hah!

I think I can be queen of panda.

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