Saturday, May 06, 2006

The following picture would definitely place question marks on some of your heads. Just take a look at this hilarious sign:

This picture was not edited or whatsoever. Can you imagine seeing such thing in an office building? It's my office, on the level that I'm working at. Weird! I took this picture a few weeks back and today I went to check out the 11th and 12th storey, to see if they spelt it as 11st and 12nd respectively. To my surprise, they were correctly spelt! So then tell me, why is it only the 13th storey is being written as 13rd?

Apparently, none of my colleagues noticed that flaw, not even my brother who has been working there longer than I have. He was so tickled when I showed him this picture, and said that he would go and take notice the next time he return to office.

Haha! I still cannot believe this silly mistake was ever made.

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