Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm happy for a couple of people, especially for Ben. So glad that you've finally opened up and set that barrier in your heart aside. Go, embrace her wholeheartedly! I wish you all the best! And no, I'm not your guardian angel or whatsoever, I'm just your bestie who's been by you for 7 years and counting, and you have been too!

I know you fairly well (I daresay 95% or more), and so able to predict certain things and traits of you. And the predictions of your partners? LOL. Never been wrong there either, have I? I'm happy that you're happy, and also glad that you share your happiness with me. There's a lot of "happy" in that sentence. Whatever the case, jiayou!

On a sidenote, I was craving for something cold and sweet and so I made my very own mango milkshake! Mmm, I love that sludgy texture of the milkshake as it slithers down my throat with ease. Yum! =)

Happy day, happy drink. =)

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