Monday, July 16, 2007

The power of taking medication that causes drowsiness is that I managed to sleep through everything without remembering what I did or did not do.

I downed cough syrup, flu pills, and muscle relaxants that was prescribed and sleepiness got to me at 2030. The best part was I totally could not remember my boy calling me at 2215 and he even messaged me after hanging up. I think I actually read it but I really have no damn recollection at all when I just read it again. All these only surfaced when I asked him why he did not call, totally OOPS.

Checked my drafts and found a message full of gibberish that was meant to be sent to the boy, and that message was, "I cvudf?.g i" Now somebody, tell me what the hell was that all about?

Oh anyway, thanks to all who called or messaged for well wishes. I must have sounded like I was in spaceland last night, sorry, can't help it! LOL. Right, I should go try to sleep somemore.

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