Thursday, January 03, 2008

A few months back, when the weather was crazily humid and when the air-conditioner in my room was wonky, I bunked in with my parents for about a week. So, because of my existence, Sparky had to be vacated from his usual sleeping spot. Perhaps he was unhappy about having to sleep at a different spot, or perhaps he just wanted a share of my comfort, therefore he did this:


Prior to this picture, he actually had the audacity to settle his whole body comfortably on my mattress. I had to place him on his white silk cloth a couple of times before he stopped inviting himself to my mattress. Thereafter, he discreetly inched nearer and nearer and laid his head on the mattress (as shown in picture above).

I swear that Sparky wasn't positioned there by anyone of us, he did that himself. People with domestic pets should know how cheeky these little buggers can be huh?

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