Thursday, December 31, 2009


For buying 18 single serving tubs of yoghurt, I got a little nagging from the lady at the cashier. And this was how the conversation went (after translation from Mandarin to English):

Cashier: Wah, you buy so many! You eat this everyday?
Me: Yup!
Cashier: Only yoghurt everyday huh?
Me: (Stunned) No, I have them for breakfast only, and I add cereals to the yoghurt.
Cashier: Not healthy you know? You should have a variety of food for breakfast, like rice. Don't like also have to eat a bit of rice.
Me: (Double stunned) Er... I do have a variety of things that I eat, don't worry!
Cashier: Aunty was once young too, and very beauty conscious, but you're still young, so do nourish yourself well.
Me: (Speechless)... Okay, will do. (Smile)

What totally surprised me was how someone can show such concern to a total stranger. The conversation with the cashier left me thinking about a lot of things. Totally mind-boggling.

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