Sunday, September 30, 2007

Suffering from insomnia is really no joke. Having spiked my drink with quite a heavy dosage of vodka at around 8pm last night, I was almost ready to bet my life that I would have the easiest time falling asleep.

But no, it didn't happen. When I felt the slightest tinge of fatigue at about 1am, I was so quick to shut my laptop down and hit the sack. But my eyes refused to shut. They stayed fixated to the ceiling, closet, wall, and whichever other points that I had my focal point on. For one and a half hours, tossing and turning was inevitable because laying still sent ringing to my ears.

At 2.30am, I tried using my mint chocolate Baileys as an aid, and mind you, I had it neat. I allowed the alcohol to hit my almost empty gut (since the last time i ate something was at 10pm).

REJOICE! It worked! Not. -_- 3 hours later I was still awake, and I was even in time to greet my love a very good morning.

Finally managed to fall asleep at around 5.30am, and woke up at 10am. My body is bound to give way soon.

My Financial Reporting lecturer was telling us about some FRS thingy online which is bound to send anyone to sleep in less than 5 minutes. And that insomniacs (namely, me) should give it a try. Maybe I should.

My chest is starting to feel weird again. =(

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