Monday, July 28, 2008

At 7.22pm, the sky turned a purplish-pink hue and that beautiful sight only lasted for a mere 2 minutes or so.

It started off with a pretty deep colour,

and then it slowly faded in over a matter of a few seconds.

Isn't nature pretty?

1 comment:

Cyren Asteraceya said...

Ola Nuffnanger!

That was really beautiful! Really, I think you summed up in a few lines what so many people are at lost of words for.

But really, there's no need to check out the aurora, or even the skies.

if you haven't seen the fireflies of Kuala Selangor yet, go (before some idiot destorys their habitat forever!). Go with respect and an open mind and it will feel like you have just left the world behind.

No kidding!


call me tiger