Wednesday, August 13, 2008

For 3 days since Monday was his off days, and every single day, he made the effort to come by my work place just to spend an hour of quality time with me during lunch. 2 movies in 3 days again.

Money No Enough 2 Mummy

Director Jack Neo's productions have never failed to touch the heart of Singaporeans, extremely applaudable. The entire family scene was so natural that I really got to give it to the veteran actors and actresses. 2 thumbs and 2 toes up!

As for Mummy, the effects and all were pretty amazing. The show was close to 2 hours but it felt way shorter than that, which goes to show that it wasn't draggy and boring. However, the story seemed to end slightly too abruptly for my liking.

Anyway, in a few hours' time, we'd be 1.5 years old. 18 months is quite a long time. Without a doubt, we had our fair share of arguments, but we always get them resolved at the end of each argument. As a surprise, he got me the scent 'Very Irresistible' from Givenchy.

One item off my list! Thank you baby, for always being the sweetest you. Much love. =D

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