Sunday, August 10, 2008

My younger brother is suspected of having a Pneumothorax attack. =( He's at TTSH A&E now, and if it's confirmed, it would be his 2nd attack.

I've had my fair share of Pneumothorax attacks too, which can be found here and here, so I know exactly what he's going through.

Since young, we've had this uncanny twins-like bond between us. Despite being exactly 13 months apart, our parents always dressed us in matching clothes during Chinese New Year, and because we were able to constantly finish off each other's sentences, many people thought we were boy-girl twins, or how the Chinese term it as 龙凤胎. Heck, there was one point in time when we looked eerily alike!

For Christmas, our parents always had to get similar gifts for us and the one I remembered vividly was the rainbow coloured helicopter he had, and mine was a train, in the exact same colour tone. (Or was the train his, and mine the helicopter? Hmmm...)

Even when it comes to sickness, we mirror each other with perfect precision, and it's been proven true for something as serious as Pneumothorax. No one else in the entire family have had this condition before, just the both of us. It's weird how he had his first attack, and a few months later I had mine. My second attack hit me sooner than expected, and now it's my baby brother's turn.

He'll be fine, I know he will.

Edited @ 9.35pm: He's fine! The pain in his chest was a false alarm.

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