Sunday, January 08, 2012

Wild Oats

Some time back, K bought a coupon for Wild Oats for us to try. We finally got down to moving our asses because the expiry date is drawing near.

Wild Oats isn't exactly the most accessible place without a two or four wheel drive, we but still made it there on our own two legs (or in this case, four legs).

Honestly speaking, the search and little "hike" was all worth while.

From first to last picture: Hill Slide, Mojitio, Mini Wild Rocket Burgers, Sarawak Chicken Curry Shepherd’s Pie, Life

Thankfully, we got there early, and managed to get seats. As the night went on, it got really crowded, and we saw many people being turned away because it was full house.

Set away from the rowdy crowd in town, this is seriously one of the better places to chill with friends or just with your significant other. Food and drinks were fantastic (imho), and the ambience there was simply serene.

I love this place.

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